Road Sign
There is a road sign on Williamstown Road that says:
Does this mean that if there are road markings, you can overtake even if it is not safe?
The blog of Dino, Joe and sometimes Trudi. Presenters of Not The Real McCoy on Joy Melbourne 94.9 FM - Australia's first 24/7 GLBT radio station.
There is a road sign on Williamstown Road that says:
Never before have I had a garden with grass this long. What with our mower breaking, then expecting to move out any day, it didn't get cut and the grass kept growing and growing. Somewhere in there is a hosepipe, a concrete path, a retaining wall and a complete patio set of table and chairs. Trudi, where are you?
We've been for 2 picnics this Easter break, yesterday at South Melbourne beach and today just locally at Sandridge. And how different they were.... cycling along to South melbourne (we didnt quite make it to st kilda), we were sheltering against the retaining wall, and 3 separate sets of people all decided to sit on the edge of the wall just where we were, the last lot with about 50 million kids all screaming and feeding seagulls. Still, we did get to watch the lifesavers doing their practice runs, rescuing volunteers in wetsuits. The weather was great, and I nearly went in the sea but got put off when I saw dog poo at the edge of the water.
Well, the easter bunny (or is it bilby) has arrived, Joe got white lindt (yeachh), I got nice ones.
Despite what you may think, I do still remember how to use the Blog.
Has anyone noticed that if anyone ends up in hospital in Neighbours, someone else will fall sick very very soon? There always seem to be at least 3 different people in hospital at once. Its like once they have built the set they must get the wear out of it. Bit like if Miss Marple arrives in your village, you can be sure that someone will get murdered soon.
26 Things the Movies Taught You...
Hello to everyone at Rainbow Cafe Australia, some great quizes and games online, its completely addictive, it even drew me away from The X Factor last night! Anyway, I asked for 5 SMS topics for Not The Real McCoy , and here was the response:
I heard the word 'ropable' used in conversation today [ropable=very angry]. I thought that it was just a made up word from Kath & Kim (oh no, they actually say gropable, does that mean the same thing?)
Do you need sticks? Following on from the NTRM accommodation recommendation (ISIS apartments in Domain from $2.5 million), comes another cheap and cheerful product: sticks. For only $1524 you can get a bundle of sticks to adorn any lounge room, for sale now from Corporate Culture Australia. Or you can really splash out and buy a whole chair for $13134. Bargain!
The Jerry Springer Show is even more sordid than I'd remembered. I took the advice from Shaz to catch up daytime TV, and Jerry Springer is on almost as often as The Simpsons. And they really do live in trailer parks. And what is it about the women flashing their breasts? To really get into the mood, I feel like I should be wearing a soiled nylon dressing-gown, eating white bread or pop tarts and have a tooth missing. Hang on, make that a chromosome missing. I'm going to have a long hot bath and play some classical music to recover...
...cos I am off work sick again. Finding it difficult getting over my throat infection, and having a flu vaccination on Friday probably didn't help. So I have spent a lot of the past few days sleeping.
...were just two of the topics discussed last night on Not The Real McCoy. We discovered that both Ken and Babydoll give good service and Michael-the-night-nurse became a grandfather (we played a different Nikki Webster to celebrate). Oh, and Tex and Warren are apparantly lesbian sisters and so cannot share a sofa.
....well, we're watching a movie with Brad Pitt in, its nearly the same thing. I had another sickie today, but will def be doing the show tomorrow night even if I have to join Trudi by being mute. I went to the doc today and got some Auntie-Biotics.
Dunno whats wrong with me at the moment, I'm sick again, so I'm doing the sensible thing for once and staying at home. I had a tickly throat all yesterday afternoon, and felt a bit pantsy this morning. It could be that I am working in our new building at work that is not finished yet, and they are still sanding and dusting (dust, anyone? no). Hope its not a cold, although 3 students on my course this week all have colds. Maybe I'll wear a gasmask to work tomorrow.....
This was a discussion going on at work last week. The reasoning goes as follows:
...bit of a mix up with the radio show, we were on air from about 9:40pm onwards, after the live broadcast from Mardi Gras, no-one quite knew what time it would finish.
I surprised Joe with dinner at Campari, the 3rd of the swanky restaurants at Station Pier, Port Melbourne. I had chicken penne with olives and tomato, Joe had goats cheese ravioli and we shared a rocket and parmesan salad (made with real rockets). We sat outside on the terrace, great for people watching and sheltered from the wind.
We were gonna see Cher in concert yesterday, but didn't go cos I got sick. I woke up fine, then just before I was going to leave for work felt really dizzy [insert humerous comment here], and very hot. Then ummed and ahhed whether I should call in sick to work. Being a teacher, I didn't want to let down my class, and I knew that my colleage that would normally take over was away on holiday. So I went in anyway, told the class I wasnt well and would be sitting down a lot. I also didnt have lunch just in case.