Wednesday, August 31, 2005


mmm, so tasty...

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

where is dino this week (30-08-05)

Originally uploaded by NTRMonjoy.
back by popular demand, the never-dull 'where is dino' returns this week. So where is 'e? Answers on comments below.....

Heater Broke

Our reverse cycle air con stopped working at the weekend, so now we have no heating. Lucky its not that cold at the moment, but we did buy the smallest fan heater in the world just in case - it looks like a little handbag and has the same output as a heavily-exerted sloth's breath.

Wasnt the weather great at the weekend? We went down to the beach, had a picnic, took some magazines to read and delighted in having sand blown all over us by the wind. Joe got a bit sunburnt. Ah, summer's on its way, yay.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

house reno week20b

Originally uploaded by NTRMonjoy.
view from tony's garden (after he dragged me round there within 20 seconds of arriving at the house)

there are many features here, including tony himself, his variable-height tin sheeting fencing, his flowerpot-decoration of the not-finished wall and part of his veggie garden, plus the view of our subtle extension just peeping over the wall

house reno week20a

Originally uploaded by NTRMonjoy.
at last structural steel being welded into place. after 10 minutes of me looking and taking photos the builder told me not to look directly at the welding arc, now i just see stars....

Friday, August 26, 2005

garden city aerial view

I had to go up in a helicopter to take this one. Oh, and get into my time machine and go back in time 60 years. This is Garden City (& Port Melbourne in the background) soon after its completion in the 1940s.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

bit better

got 2 days off work (yay), and the steel beams for the house finally arrived today (double-yay). is it sad to be excited by structural steel?

after thinking that maybe the builder had gone bankrupt, he got back in touch to say that the end date for the house has slipped from mid-october to end-december. ah well, a few more months of living in a cardboard box.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

fully sic

I've just got a common-garden(-city) cold, but poor Joe has now got a 2ndary infection and had to visit the doc - the first time since he's been in Australia.

I was in a fury yesterday cos (a) stressed at work, having to prepare 3 new courses in 3 days and (b) still nothing done at the house despite being promised that the steel would arrive on Friday, or Monday, then Tuesday. To get it out my system I had to do cleaning and was mopping the bathroom floor well after Joe had gone to bed. Ah well, I must remember there are much worse problems in the world. Like the word 'mate' being banned from Canberra....

Saturday, August 20, 2005

where is dino this week (20-08-05) - part two

Originally uploaded by NTRMonjoy.
a double whammy this week, just for you kids. where on earth is dino ?????

where is dino this week (20-08-05)

Roll 17 - 25
Originally uploaded by NTRMonjoy.
a very cryptic one this week, where is dino this week?
last chance to message in for the season, listen in on 94.9fm for the answer!

cough cough splutter

Well, the show should be interesting tonight. As a finale, Joe has got a cough and I have a sore throat. Will anyone recognise our new sexy husky voices. Yay, Winter, don't ya love it?


Sunday, August 14, 2005

UK Test Card

UK Test Card
Originally uploaded by NTRMonjoy.
Here is the UKish test pattern that we were talking about last night. Yep, the one that Joe was scared of. He thought that the green body of the doll was a skull.... :S

It was designed by George Hersee and features his daughter Carole Hersee. Wonder what she looks like today?


Saturday, August 13, 2005

where is dino this week (13-08-05)

Originally uploaded by NTRMonjoy.
where is dino this week, email answers to between 9-11pm AEST, or just lie back and relax listening to Not The Real McCoy on JOY 94.9FM!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

house reno week 17

house reno week 17
Originally uploaded by NTRMonjoy.
bit late, but not much happened over week 17

Saturday, August 06, 2005

where is dino this week (06-08-05)

Originally uploaded by NTRMonjoy.
where is dino this week?

SMS answers during the show (9-11pm) to 0427 JOY 949