Saturday, June 30, 2007


Just stumbled across this funny website: I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER? showcases bizarre pictures of cats eating cheeseburgers and other stuff with mis-spelt captions

Friday, June 29, 2007

dan's awake

good news, dan came out of his coma yesterday, is awake and eating. he's out of ICU we are gonna go and visit him this weekend i think.

we're also going to look at new TVs. Our little 12" screen is not good enough any more.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

whats been happening

it was joe's birthday yesterday, but i havent seen him to give him pressies as he went away to sydney for work - due back tonight.

its been raining all day in melbourne, and all last night too. i'm glad i had the kits to keep me company when the wind was howling over the top of the strains of big brother.

not much news on dan in hossie. he's been put into an induced coma, and was due to be woken up yesterday but they have decided to give him an extra day. apparantly its not uncommon with head injuries, to reduce any swelling to the brain.

and its been another hectic week in work for me so far. my students are so technically advanced, they keep me on my toes with weird and wonderful questions, or tell me everything that they know and do that i have got very behind in timing.

we've tried craggle's idea of sticky-tape on the kitchen tops to stop the cats jumping up, and so far (fingers-crossed) it has been working. they dont like standing on sticky stuff. only problem was when our mate KP came over for dinner the other night, leaned over the kitchen workbench to make a phonecall, and got herself stuck to the kitchen sink.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Dan in hospital

Our mate Dan got knocked over by a tram on Friday morning, he's now in intensive care in hospital. Hope ya get better soon Dan

See ABC News article

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I am teaching an evening class at the moment, and one of my students brought in a cheesecake from work (bakery bit of myer). everyone in the class had a bit, it was very tasty. baked strawberry cheesecake.

i wonder if logan would have liked it. we had a milky bar last week and both kittens went mad over it, sniffing it and having a little nibble. do cats eat white choclit in the wild?

Monday, June 18, 2007

our weekend

This weekend I (Dino) had to work, Joe made bread and chilli - nice and warming for the cold spell that we have just gone into in Melbourne. We also got a table candle-holder, so we can have candlelit dinners, ahh.

We got out the DVD of a movie called "Boy Town", a comedy about 5 guys that used to be in a boy band in the 80s, that wanted to get back together and sang songs about picking up the kids from school and doing the washing, to represent their more mature audience. By Mick Malloy, and also featuring Glen Robbins from Kath & Kim.

Sunday we went to the vet in Williamstown to have a look at their cattery, ready for when we go on holiday. Seemed clean and well run, we have booked in the boys for their own little holiday there, complete with pick-up service. Logan has gone for the optional extras of pedicure and mud-wrap, Brad wants the massage & spa.

I lost at 2 ebay auctions, and spent a rainy afternoon in front of the fire, Joe likes me playing Abba songs on the piano so that he can sing along (would never admit this though)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

no comment

I just got an email from Mum (she of 'dont eat chocolate' fame), asking how to post comments on the blog. So here is a step-by-step guide:
1. Click on '0 Comments' (or whatever it says)
2. Type your comment in the box
3. Click 'anonymous' (if you dont have a blogger account)
4. Type the special authorisation code in the picture into the box to show that you are not a spamming computer.
5. Click Publish

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


the kittens are teething. they have both got their adult 'canine' teeth come through now, but have been complaining of sore gums and demanding extra attention. when brad yawns you can see that he's only got about 3 teeth left (he spat the others out in a manly fashion). but wait, dont get too close, his bad breath will knock you out. i've been looking at websites on how to brush cats' teeth today.

the other painful activity of the weekend was booking holidays. we've finally decided on destination, flights, accomodation. after all that effort we'll need a holiday just to calm down again.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

start of Winter news...

dear blog (cos i'm not sure if anyone actually reads this anymore),

its a weird situation that after having 3 holiday from work, its only once i am back working that i have the time to write a blog entry. maybe its cos i am teaching a new vista course where all the student's exercises are 60 minutes to complete.

so what have we been up to? we did the last radio show of the season on saturday night. i wonder whether we will be allowed to come back again in the spring? i'll miss the regular sms'ers like pauline who always answered my silly quiz questions.

it looks like the californian holiday is off - or maybe just postponed for a year. we were going to go to meet up with my parents, but turns out that they will have just returned from a cruise then, so we are now thinking of meeting them in singapore later on in the year instead.

i got my hair-cut last week (mum will be pleased at that). whenever i go to the hairdressers they always seem to cut it just a bit shorter than i wanted. isnt that bad for business? surely they'd want you to go back sooner? my hair looked fine on the day, but the next day seemed to retreat into my head. maybe the shock of being cut.

the cats are now 5 months old and getting big boys. logan is still jumping up onto the kitchen counter-tops, which gains him a quick spray of water on the nose. he hates that but obviously thinks that it is worth it for the thrill of being naughty for 3 seconds.

joe and i still havent made it to the salsa dance class that we talked about a couple of weeks ago, but have promised to try and make the next one the weekend after next (as its a long weekend coming up for queens birthday, yea!)

anyway, must dash, i'm doing evening training tonight as well (hurrah!), so a long day at work for poor me.