Friday, March 30, 2007


the end of a busy week at work. and just a teeny bit stressful. i have taught the SQL Server course 2.5 times now, and it always seems to go a bit wrong. well, i have a theory, the more students that i am demonstrating a procedure to, the more likely it is to go wrong, not work or crash the computer. if no one is looking, it will always work perfectly fine. very odd.

on the upside, i had my first easter egg of the year today - a student brought in some mini eggs, including 'one for the teacher'. ahh. they must have liked my teaching even if I didnt.

on wednesday i rushed home from work to water the garden, but as i was nearing home it started raining. i felt as a loss then, watering garden was on my list, but now i couldnt do it cos it was raining. joe didnt understand my dilemma. instead we put in an order for coles online, surely the worlds slowest database, if you want to add a new product to your shopping list you'd better be a patient person. oo, back to databases again.

next week i have the delights of teaching subnetting design for server 2003 - yippee

Monday, March 26, 2007

cat at home

Ever wondered what cats do at home all day while you're out at work...?

Thursday, March 22, 2007

mozzie bites

we went for a walk along the beach the other evening, probably not a good idea since it was warm, humid and at dusk - we both got done by mozzies.

i've got 2 bites, one of my shoulder and one on my ear. why would a mosquito bite an ear? did it consider all the fleshy parts of the body, and think 'no, i reckon the ear looks the juciest'

the bite on my shoulder has swelled up so now it looks like i am wearing one of sue ellen's shoulder pads.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

spice girl on Neighbours

Ex Spice Girl Emma B (pictured) appeared on Aussie Soap Neighbours last night, playing a cameo role (rather unconviningly IMHO) as herself.

Karl and Suse were just wandering down the street and happened to bump into her. That was always happening to us when we lived in London. Either a Spice Girl or Madonna or Kylie. Those pop stars are everywhere.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Its March already, and not been blogging much as we've both been busy at work.

Farmer Dave from Big Brother has abandoned his farm to go on Dancing with the Stars to raise money for his sheep which then go into making Sheppard's Pie.