Just stumbled across this funny website: I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER? showcases bizarre pictures of cats eating cheeseburgers and other stuff with mis-spelt captions
The blog of Dino, Joe and sometimes Trudi. Presenters of Not The Real McCoy on Joy Melbourne 94.9 FM - Australia's first 24/7 GLBT radio station.
good news, dan came out of his coma yesterday, is awake and eating. he's out of ICU we are gonna go and visit him this weekend i think.
it was joe's birthday yesterday, but i havent seen him to give him pressies as he went away to sydney for work - due back tonight.
Our mate Dan got knocked over by a tram on Friday morning, he's now in intensive care in hospital. Hope ya get better soon Dan
I am teaching an evening class at the moment, and one of my students brought in a cheesecake from work (bakery bit of myer). everyone in the class had a bit, it was very tasty. baked strawberry cheesecake.
This weekend I (Dino) had to work, Joe made bread and chilli - nice and warming for the cold spell that we have just gone into in Melbourne. We also got a table candle-holder, so we can have candlelit dinners, ahh.
I just got an email from Mum (she of 'dont eat chocolate' fame), asking how to post comments on the blog. So here is a step-by-step guide:
the kittens are teething. they have both got their adult 'canine' teeth come through now, but have been complaining of sore gums and demanding extra attention. when brad yawns you can see that he's only got about 3 teeth left (he spat the others out in a manly fashion). but wait, dont get too close, his bad breath will knock you out. i've been looking at websites on how to brush cats' teeth today.
dear blog (cos i'm not sure if anyone actually reads this anymore),