da hip hop witch project
we got this movie from the dvd rental shop, but I got bored and Joe fell asleep. Then I looked up the review on Amazon, we sums it up quite well. Hmm, should have checked out the reviews first.
"Who is responsible for this monstrocity? This film is atrocious. I have watched porn with better acting and scripts than this. It basically consists of a handful of bug eyed rappers with varying levels of credibility jumping around in front of a hand held camera as if they were told to pretend they're on crack. And while theoretically that sounds kinda entertaining,it's not. The only worthwhile moments in the entire film come from eminem, who turns out a lengthy, improvised rant on his horrific run in with the 'hip hop witch'. I have no idea what the motivation was behind the making of this film, but whoever is responsible should hang their head in shame. I cannot stress enough how much of a waste of time it is. You would have more fun eating your own vomit. "