Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Lunch time thoughts on a sunny day

Ahh what a fine day it is in this fair city of ours. This feeling is despite my current location being in a bunker like building in Toorak that has little windows at the top of 4 meter high walls, so the only view I have outside from this desk I am using, is the sky! Still I worked up a good sweat this morning with my run, the sun is shining and I’ve just had a huge butty (sandwich to all you non northern English speaking folk) for my lunch. So as you see it only takes sweat, sun and food to make me happy!

So what’s new?
I’ve just confirmed with the architect that our meeting is on for tomorrow (Wednesday) so you can expect a change in the weather in the next 24 hours. Based on previous experience, whenever we need to visit the architect at his office, the weather manages to turn ‘most foul’ and even ‘naughty’ as any self respecting Jane Austin novel might say. Usually high winds, heavy rain and really cold, not much fun two up on Dino’s motorbike! Seems David wants us to talk about builders again, the structural engineer still not having finished his bit of the drawings.

By the way, the architect we keep mentioning is David Luck, we can’t mention him on the show, but this is our blog, so we can here. If you are looking for a great architect that also happens to be a friendly easygoing sort of guy, look him up (Maybe we will get a discount now….). His arty, wordy website is http://users.bigpond.com/david.luck/page_1.htm which is well worth a brows, though you'll have to forgive him for using a fuzzy text effect – using .jpg for text images instead of .gif (ups! There goes the discount!)

Last weekend Dino and I dropped in on a house for sale in our neighbourhood, just off the foreshore, its one that’s similar to ours but up for sale with plans already approved for an extension. It seems that it took them over two years to get the plans approved, so now we realise that we possibly set some sort of record for our area by getting ours approved in just three months. Even though that was quick, its now been over 6 months since we bought the place and first met David.

Anyroadup, you have been warned, prepare for rain on Wednesday!

Wonder how Rowie’s chooks are doing? Are they early fatteners for Christmas or are they (as I hope) just an extension of the clan that will return the affection, food and care given by the Rowie family, by producing daily free-range eggs for breakfast. Must admit I have a problem with eating an egg that is still warm from a hen’s fanny. I’m happier if some time can be had to let me forget the real source of the ovoid food. Preferably neatly packaged in a recyclable box labelled with a sketch of a rural scene of peace and a happy free ranging hen. But then that’s just me and my strange ways.



At 2:01 pm, November 17, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chookens with names can NEVER be eaten,fowl it may seem to anyone picturing a traditional Sunday roast,but that's a poultry way to treat family members !!!!


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