Sunday, November 07, 2004

The show Sat. 6th Nov. 04

Well only two more shows to go before the break for summer. We enjoyed doing last nights show, all feeling that it was a bit manic. I guess we're too used to having the help from either Baby-doll (Andrew) or Luscious Ken, what a great benefit they've both been, the Programme Support often don't get enough notice for the work they do.

(Yea ok Joe, we all know you used to do programme support for NTRM and some daytime shows - Dino)

Last night we had the controversy over who exactly sent in the first listener playlist- was it Mystery Programmer or was it Playlist Pete? We've a feeling Dino remembers, but he's not saying, he was enjoying the banter between the two!

Guess next Saturday, Playlist Pete will have the airwaves to himself to lobby that he was the first - especially as Mystery Programmer has already told us she won't be listening next week. Suspect that we'll still get the odd SMS from her though, she's such a dedicated listener that she's been know to listen to the show from her mobile phone at a Christmas party!, SMSing us from the top of a mountain, completely out of reach of the broadcast and from far flung countries such as Singapore.

We had an interesting / odd call last night, a call to ask us discuss the sexual orientation of some actor or other , Joe took the call and it didn't help that he'd never heard of the actor, but this caller was insistent that Joe pose the question on air - such and such gay or not.... Now Joe is, as we all know, a bit long in one or two of his teeth, so there was no way such a question was going to be asked on air by any of the NTRM crew. Joe said as much on air and moments later we received another phone call which Dino took this time - complementing us on the handling of the question. ... We suspect that we were being tested

Do some folk have nothing better to do that to try to set up situations so that they could then complain?

(Ooo think we just had our first Sex In The City moment of the blog).


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